"Tõeliselt kasulik vahend paroolide haldamiseks!"
Alljärgnevad animeeritud demod (filmid) aitavad paremini aru saada ning näha mida TK8 Backup teha suudab ning kuidas seda tööle seadistada. Demod on salvestatud ka plaadile, juhuks kui litsentsi tellides soovite saada programmi CD plaadil.

Animeeritud demod on kahjuks ingliskeelsed (kuigi programm ise on eestikeelne). Vabandame.

Demo 1. Overview.

How to start and create your own password database file. Basic concepts of the program are introduced. Lock feature and security explained.

>> Click here to watch the demo! (0.34 MB)

Demo 2. Managing folders and entries.

Folder management ABC; Adding password entries; Password generator introduced.

Demo 3. Using and customizing entry list.

Hiding sensitive info; Sorting entries; Moving and resizing table columns; Adding / removing columns; Filtering and searching entries.

Demo 4. Launching web sites and auto filling login prompts.

How to start web pages related with entries. How to auto fill user names and passwords, without typing them manually.

>> Click here to watch the demo! (1.7 MB)

Demo 5. System tray mode.

Working in the System Tray mode.

>> Click here to watch the demo! (1 MB)

Demo 6. Password Bar working mode.

What is Password Bar and how to use it.

>> Click here to watch the demo! (0.35 MB)

Demo 7. Advanced features.

Expiring entries and entry colors; Customized autofill templates and clearing autofill memory; System Administrators form; Email templates; Customizing toolbars.

>> Click here to watch the demo! (1.9 MB)

TK8 Backup
TK8 Safe
TK8 EasyNote
TK8 Kliendihaldus
TK8 Personal
Allalaadimine (tasuta)
Litsentsi tellimine
Raamatupidamise teenus

Vaid 19.95 EUR
Profiversioon: 29.95 EUR

Tasuta eluaegsed uuendused!


...TK8 Safe 3.2
Võrdle Std. ja Profiversiooni
Soovitajad ning auhinnad
Tasuta allalaadimine

Copyright © 2024 B & M Konsultatsioonid OÜ. Kõik õigused. reserveeritud
TK8 Software on OÜ B & M Konsultatsioonid projekt.
TK8 ning logod märgisega TK8 on registreeritud kaubamärgid.
Leht serveeritud: 27-07-2024