"Tõeliselt kasulik vahend paroolide haldamiseks!"

Alljärgnevalt on tsitaatidena välja toodud mõnede meie praeguste klientide kommentaarid programmi kohta. Paremas tulbas on näha rahvusvahelised auhinnad millega programmi on tunnustatud.

Michel Creppy, London, UK
After reviewing many password programs, we have decided that TK8 Safe is the best program we have seen on the market!

David Barber, Franklin, TN, US:

Just wanted to let you know how impressed I've been with your TK8 Safe product. I finally found it a few months ago after searching long and hard for a password program that met all of my criteria, and had almost given up. It is, in my opinion, not only the best password application on the market, but one of the most elegant and carefully thought-out applications of any category - and I'm VERY picky.

Don Basham, Melbourne, Australia:

I'm just a recent convert to your program, and I'm congratulating myself on choosing it. It's perfect for my use, and worth every cent. I'm as delighted by your good looking, efficient program as I am by your fast responses. Your numero uno fan in Australia.

Svein-Egil Pettersen, Norway
NorgesGruppen Data AS:

TK8 Safe is a amazing product, i have been testing some other products, but TK8 seems to be the best choice for our needs.

Michael Hemy, Wexford, PA, US:

Thanks for your continued support of an already excellent product!

Franz Machon, Luneburg, Germany:


I found your product, TK8 Safe and it is terrific!! Very easy to use, many custom settings available etc... Excellent software!!

Gerald Parker, Shreveport, LA, US:


After months in use, I can say that this is one of the most valuable tools I've ever used. I can't believe I got by in the past without it.

Vincent Bohlier, Hayden, ID, US:

I still cant tell you how happy i am to have found this program and will definately refer it to all..!!!!! keep up the good work!

Kellie Condon, Vallejo, CA, US:

You are amazing....that you are on the computer this time of night etc. I am very impressed!

Andy Harris, London, UK:


Great support and great product! You have been wonderful to work with.

Gert Hausler, Estonia


My clients often complain about all the passwords and accounts they have to remember and manage. Knowing how easy and useful TK8 Safe is, I recommend it them every time. I have no words describing it.. it is just a masterpiece!

Julie Gomoll, Austin, TX, US:


Your software is *wonderful* - I plan to recommend it to my co-workers and geeky friends. Thanks for making such a powerful, intuitive program!

Lubomir Nanov, Bulgaria:

It is one of the most user friendly and powerful pieces of software I have ever used.

Harold Ward, Beaverton, OR, US:


I really do like it. I don't miss the days I used notepad and paper notes and typed all the passwords manualy. This tool saves my time and nerves!

Veel täiendavaid auhindu rahvusvahelistest tarkvaralehtedelt:

Programmile on tunnustust avaldatud ka mitmetest maailmakuulsates arvutiajakirjades nagu näiteks PC Today, Microsoft Developer Network Magazine, jne.

TK8 Backup
TK8 Safe
TK8 EasyNote
TK8 Kliendihaldus
TK8 Personal
Allalaadimine (tasuta)
Litsentsi tellimine
Raamatupidamise teenus

Vaid 19.95 EUR
Profiversioon: 29.95 EUR

Tasuta eluaegsed uuendused!


...TK8 Safe 3.2
Võrdle Std. ja Profiversiooni
Soovitajad ning auhinnad
Tasuta allalaadimine

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TK8 Software on OÜ B & M Konsultatsioonid projekt.
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Leht serveeritud: 11-10-2024